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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Бразилия избира президент- Дилма Русеф или Сера?
Бразилците днес гласуват на втория тур на президентските избори, който ще определи наследника на харизматичния Лула да Силва.
Надпреварата сега е сведена до дуел между "желязната дама" Дилма Русеф, смятана за продължител на досегашната политическа линия, и бившия губернатор на Сао Пауло - опитния, но лишен от обаяние представител на опозицията Жозе Сера, предаде БТА.
Шейсет и две годишната бивша партизанка Дилма Русеф, сравнявана с желязото заради волевата си натура и огромна работоспособност, е на път да стане първата жена президент на огромната латиноамериканска държава с население от 193 милиона души, напомня АФП.
След този велик мъж (Лула), Бразилия ще бъде управлявана от жена, която ще продължи да води Бразилия по пътя на Лула, заяви Русеф през юни, когато управляващата "Партия на трудещите се" обяви официално кандидатурата й. С наближаването на балотажа бразилката от български произход увеличава все повече преднината си в сондажите пред своя съперник социалдемократ.
Позицията й в полза на узаконяването на абортите я лиши от победа още на първия тур на 3 октомври. Русеф е известна с резкия си характер и откритите критики към министрите. Аз съм единствената в Бразилия зла жена, заобиколена от любезни мъже, пошегува се тя на среща с журналисти. Лула обаче казва, че талантите й на политик и управленец са го убедили, че тя е най-подходящата кандидатка.
Дилма се включва активно във въоръжената борба срещу диктатурата. В началото на 1970 г. тя е арестувана и осъдена на шест години затвор, но е освободена в края на 1972 г., макар че не се предава пред мъченията. В началото на 1980 г. участва в реформирането на Демократическата работническа партия, а през 1986 г. става член на Партията на трудещите се. Съзнавайки, че избори се печелят и по телевизията, Дилма захвърли големите очила и се подложи на няколко пластични операции, след които изглежда подмладена и отслабнала.
Миналата година тя потвърди публично, че се лекува от рак, което смекчи имиджа й. Лекарите смятат, че се е излекувала. "Желязната дама" се е омъжвала два пъти, има дъщеря Паула, а от септември вече е и баба.
Съперникът на Русеф, 68-годишният Жозе Сера, се отличава със строга външност и изразена плешивост и въпреки значителния си политически опит и упоритост, не притежава нужното обаяние, отбелязва АФП. Бившият кмет и губернатор на Сао Пауло,най-богатият и най-населен бразилски щат, е губил вече два пъти президентски избори - при избирането на Лула да Силва през 2002 г., а после и при преизбирането му през 2006 г. Придържайки се обичайно към резервирано поведение, той възприе по-суров тон срещу съперничката си Русеф и ожесточено я атакува заради корупцията при управлението на Лула. Икономист по образование, Сера ще бъде запомнен най-вече с въвеждането на безплатно лечение на СПИН и разработването на генерични медикаменти по времето, когато е здравен министър при президента Фернанду Кардосу от 1998 до 2002 г. Макар че точно той въведе противозачатъчното хапче, което се пие "на следващия ден", сега той се обяви против абортите, за да привлече избирателите християни (Бразилия е най-голямата католическа страна в света).
За отбелязване е, че първи път в Бразилия интернет се оформи като бойно поле, на което привържениците на двамата кандидати си разменят удари под кръста и слухове, обвинения и обиди, посочва АФП.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Николета и Валери
Божинов: С Алисия се обичахме, но навремето
- Та, какво казваш? Няма брак, няма сватба, без такива екстри?
- Хайде, ти пак ме подхвана за тия сватби. Давай нататък…
- Всички се питат защо се стигна до раздялата ви с Алисия? Омръзнахте ли си, изчерпахте ли се?
- Какво да ти кажа… Мисля, че просто имах нужда от ново начало, от живот на чисто. Точно когато бях попаднал в такъв етап от живота си, срещнах Николета. Аз имам силно развита интуиция и вътрешно тя ми подсказа, че тя се доближава максимално до това, което търсех. Казвам го за пръв път: връзката ми с Николета е от декември миналата година. Първо sms-и, разговори, срещи… Лека-полека отношенията ни се задълбочиха и се стигна до това, за което всички вече знаете.
- До това да изоставиш Алисия. Не беше ли жестоко?
- Ще бъда откровен пред теб. Тръпката ми към нея отдавна изчезна. Аз предпочетох истината пред лъжата. Ако бях продължил да играя пред Алисия театър и в същото време да я лъжа и да й забивам нож в гърба, нямаше ли да бъде по-жестоко?
- Имаш право. Значи ти казваш, че не живееш с Алисия почти година. Обясни да драгия читател, Николета ли ви раздели или тръпката, за която говориш се е изпарила много преди да се влюбиш в нея?
- Николета не е разделяла никой, проумейте го най-накрая. Нито тя е виновна, нито Алисия. Аз съм предприел това решение. Няма виновни, никой не ми е разрушавал семейство. Така съм преценил , така съм го почувствал, така съм го направил. Чувствата са уникално нещо, заради което си способен на всичко. Чувствата и щастието, което съм открил в Николета, са надделели над всичко друго. Аз съм човек, който слуша сърцето си.
- Съжаляваш ли за нещо от последните 4 години, в които Алисия бе жената до теб?
- За нищо. Обичали сме се, но навремето. Тя е майка на сина ми Валери. Ценя я много, винаги ще я уважавам. Оценявам всичко, което е направила за мен.
- Колко ти струва този „развод по италиански“? 1 милион лева, евро?
- Четох какво ли не. Че съм й оставил милиони, апартаменти…Не бих искал да навлизам в подробности как сме уредили нещата помежду си, това са си наши грижи. Алисия и Младши ще са подсигурени във всяко едно отношение. Аз ще бъда техният гръб. Все пак, живял съм с тази жена, имал съм чувства към нея. Детето няма да си оставя на улицата, ти ме познаваш не от вчера. Ще съм по-далеч от него, но няма да му липсва нищо. Синът ми ще расте и с майка, и с баща.
- Е как ще стане това, след като Алисия не ти дава да виждаш сина ви?
- Това са пълни глупости. Никога не ми е казвала, нито ме е заплашвала, че ще раздели детето от мен. Сега нямам възможност да бъда с малкия Валери. Но си говорим по телефона, по скайпа. Почва да се увлича по футбола. Ще съм най-щастлив, ако един ден ме наследи на терена. В София вкъщи си има една футболна врата, бие ми дузпи, десничар е, ама искам да го направя левичар. Е, занапред няма да е същото като да сме заедно, заради професионалните ми ангажименти. Но винаги, когато имам възможност, синът ми ще идва при мен в Италия.
- Този път като по чудо уреждате раздялата си без скандали. При предишния случай с плеймейтката Златка, двете с Алисия люто се пооплюха в медиите, което доста навреди на имиджа й. Дали си е взела поука от тогава?
- Благодаря на Алисия. И на Николета също. Че запазиха добрия тон помежду си и не стана панаир като навремето. Даже и заради това с Ники толкова дълго крихме връзката си. Със Златка беше наистина много грозно тогава. Предупредил съм ги сега и двете: не искам нападки и обиди една към друга, защото ако има някой виновен в цялата ситуация, то това съм аз. Никой никого не е открадвал, пак ти казвам – аз последвах сърцето си. Инстинктът ми никога не ме е лъгал.
- Според теб песента на Алисия „Твоя тотално“ нещо като опит да те върни при себе си ли е било?
- По-скоро обратното. Песен за сбогуване. Принципно почти всички нейни песни са писани за мен. Спомни си и „Имаме ли връзка? “ след скандала със Златка. Но Алисия ми каза, че песента, за която ме питаш, е последната, посветена на мене.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Seeing Julian Schnabel brilliant exhibition
Big crowd in front the gallery. Obviously Mr. Schnabel is here. OMG! I heard his captivating, deep voice and I thought he is a very interesting person. He was with his artistic attire that makes him seem so out of our times; it fits him as glove. The leading lady of his heart Rula was with lovely white official which contrasted very well her skin. The duo were the attraction of the event. Rula Jebreal is really impressing at live; Julian is not very tall.
I think these Polaroid portraits are very strong. They all are in very black frame with quite red as background.
The angle Schnabel shot his daughter Stella gives absolutely different idea about the woman human existence at all. His two daughters are very strong women. People like his exhibition – it`s genius, brilliant, the best artist and photographer alive ever. Old lady who looks as collectioner of his artistry begs on her old husband to buy her that brilliant piece of his artistry.
We know Julian Schnabel as a painter (the plates) and as a film-maker (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly). Now, with an old handmade Polaroid camera and a little help from his friends, he is making stunning photographs
His accomplice in this – and he refers to it as if describing a venerable, trusty friend – is his Polaroid camera. It is one of only six in existence: a 20x24in 1970s handmade machine. It is huge, cumbersome, intended for studio photography and greedy for flash lighting. But for Schnabel, it has been a revelation. He started taking photos as a personal record but became amazed by what his camera could do. "This camera works like photosynthesis. It is as if you were Xeroxing your own face. The pictures have such physicality: their surface is like fine leather, stained from chemicals. Each one has a body and is more than an image."
The distance between the frames is very good, very well measured – it doesn`t press the viewer. I couldn`t find any information about the Polaroid photography all over the net, although Lola also practices it.
The Schnabel regular portraits are being transferred to Polaroid portraits, glued over white framed paper, as they are looking as old black – and – white photography. And then comes the very black wooden frame. The plain at the wall is dark – red – it is the colour of blood and revenge. So many of his photos – he loves sepia – seem to exist outside time. They describe an invented past.
The portraits are very, very good.
"Traditionally, photography is supposed to capture an event that has passed; but that is not what I'm looking for. Photography brings the past into the present when you look at it…"
Savannah Hope
Friday, October 22, 2010
Mariah Carey: 'Merry Christmas II You' Album Preview!
Christmas has come early for Mariah Carey!
The 40-year-old powerhouse singer gave an early listen of her upcoming holiday album, Merry Christmas II You, at NYC’s Lincoln Center on Wednesday (October 20).
“This is her love, this is her passion, this is her real joy,” Def Jam exec L.A. Reid said, adding that Mariah goes “all out” for Christmas and has been in the spirit ever since she started recording in June!
Mariah and hubby Nick Cannon were both on hand and came onstage during the celebration to thank those who made the album possible!
Here are some tidbits from the album:
“O Little Town of Bethlehem / Little Drummer Boy Medley” - A powerful mix of two Christmas classics - the song showed off Mariah’s legendary pipes!
“Christmas Time Is In The Air Again” - Slow, sultry and understated number.
“The First Noel / Born is the King (Interlude)” - The song begins with a piano arrangement paired with Mariah’s melismatic singing - as the chorus builds, an orchestra comes in and she belts it out big!
“When Christmas Comes” - A soulful R&B song featuring a horn section and an interlude of “Jingle Bells”
“Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / Housetop Celebration” - The song features Akon and samples the bass line of Chic’s “Good Times” and turns the original on its head!
“Charlie Brown Christmas” - The song begins with the Peanuts classic “Linus and Lucy” before slowing down and going into a sexy, breathy update of “Christmas Time is Here”.
“O Come All Ye Faithful / Hallelujah Chorus” (feat. Patricia Carey) - Mariah’s mom, Patricia, sings classical opera while Mariah hits those sky high notes. Super powerful song and our favorite track from the album! Both Mom and Mariah’s voices blend perfectly!
“O Holy Night” - Live - Mariah sings over an organ and backing choir at a church in South Central Los Angeles. If you don’t get goosebumps on this track, check your pulse!
“All I Want for Christmas is You - Extra Festive” - The most successful holiday song in recent history gets a new orchestral introduction! When Mariah came out on stage, she dished that she’d call the song’s arranger at 6 a.m. with thoughts on how to change it - and thanked him for his patience.
“Auld Lang Syne - The New Year’s Anthem” - Begins with a piano introduction and a backing choir before a countdown begins and the song turns into a club banger!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Julian Schnabel's Polaroids: 'Smoke and mirrors and happy accident'
It`s about people who currently linger in London and at London Film Festival
We know Julian Schnabel as a painter (the plates) and as a film-maker (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly). Now, with an old handmade Polaroid camera and a little help from his friends, he is making stunning photographs
Julian Schnabel is an American renaissance man. In the 80s, he attracted international media attention for his large-scale "plate paintings". He went on to become a notable film-maker and, in 2007, his film, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, about French editor Jean-Dominique Bauby, was nominated for four Oscars. Now, although he continues to paint and make films, he has found himself for a third time – as a photographer.
His accomplice in this – and he refers to it as if describing a venerable, trusty friend – is his Polaroid camera. It is one of only six in existence: a 20x24in 1970s handmade machine. It is huge, cumbersome, intended for studio photography and greedy for flash lighting. But for Schnabel, it has been a revelation. He started taking photos as a personal record but became amazed by what his camera could do. "This camera works like photosynthesis. It is as if you were Xeroxing your own face. The pictures have such physicality: their surface is like fine leather, stained from chemicals. Each one has a body and is more than an image."
When I ring him, it is tea time in New York. Halfway through our conversation, he volunteers: "I can see giant boats sailing down the Hudson river, going through concrete columns." It is not the answer to a question, but it is good to hear.
I suspect it is characteristic of Schnabel to wish to place himself pictorially in the moment. In the introduction to his handsome book, Julian Schnabel: Polaroids, he writes: "Traditionally, photography is supposed to capture an event that has passed; but that is not what I'm looking for. Photography brings the past into the present when you look at it…"
It is an intriguing remark, because so many of his photos – he loves sepia – seem to exist outside time. They describe an invented past. Take the photo of one of Schnabel's twin sons, Olmo. It is a sepia image in which the boy's face stares out beneath a headscarf. He looks, as Schnabel notes, like a Moroccan peasant woman. The image has authority, but is a sober fiction.
Then there are the disturbing "crazy people". Schnabel explains: "I turned 3x3in pictures of people hospitalised in a 19th-century asylum into 24x20in prints." Lost souls – found. The pictures ask: who owns these images? "I wanted to make pictures where you would not know who took them. I also bring the present into the past."
There are several arresting self-portraits. The intention here, too, is that the photographer should remain mysterious. They should look as if "taken by someone else". He loves what over-exposure can do and revels in the moments when "you cannot extract the material from the image". Sometimes, he paints on to the images in ink, as if writing on to "infinite fog". Yet most of the pictures were taken in daylight in his studio on 11th Street. The process is slow. He sees the pictures as "smoke and mirrors and happy accident". He recognises himself in them. The portrait with a blurred dog, Milton, is "pretty much me. Milton is dead now. I loved him. He was something else."
There are extraordinary portraits of Schnabel's friends here: Mickey Rourke, Plácido Domingo, Lou Reed, Takashi Murakami. Is there any difference between photographing celebrities and family? "I know Lou, he lives across the street. He is like my family." In one portrait, Reed seems to have halted after a "walk on the wild side", ceremonial sword in hand. "He looks like Andrei Rublev in the Tarkovsky film," enthuses Schnabel. Another friend is similarly armed: Plácido Domingo. "I asked him to come over and bring some armour." Domingo obliged with full Simon Boccanegra kit. "He is as if out of another century – spectral."
In a second, tremendous picture, Domingo sits in operatic darkness; his eyes, with a tragic gleam, are the subject. As for Japanese artist Takashi Murakami, he is "a sweet guy – jovial and funny. But sometimes, I think he might have a deeper answer than the one I get from him".
Meanwhile, the photos of Mickey Rourke bring out his vulnerability. "He is vulnerable in real life," says Schnabel. "He has this brash, tough-guy demeanour but he is soft… Mickey, Chris [Walken] and Lou are all super-shy and pretty uncomfortable. These pictures happened almost by accident. They needed their pictures taken for some reason. And then it is all about trust – making pictures that are intimate."
Julian Schnabel Polaroids is at Colnaghi gallery, 15 Old Bond Street, London W1 until 12 November. An accompanying book written by Petra Gilroy-Hirtz and published by Prestel is out now.
Kate Kellaway
Monday, October 18, 2010
Mariah Carey's Christmas Album Features Her Mom!!!
Check out the official tracklisting for Mariah Carey’s new holiday album, Merry Christmas II You, in stores November 2. The 40-year-old singer wrote, “Merry Christmas II You is my Christmas gift to all my fans. I wanted you to be the first ones I share this tracklisting with. I’m so excited about it, I hope you love it and enjoy it for years to come!!! LYM4E!!!”
Who makes a surprise appearance on Mariah’s album? Her mom, Patricia Carey (née Hickey)!
Full tracklisting…
Mariah Carey: ‘Merry Christmas II You’ Tracklisting!
1. Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Intro)
2. Oh Santa!
3. O Little Town of Bethlehem / Little Drummer Boy Medley
4. Christmas Time Is In The Air Again
5. The First Noel / Born is the King (Interlude)
6. When Christmas Comes
7. Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / Housetop Celebration
8. Charlie Brown Christmas
9. O Come All Ye Faithful / Hallelujah Chorus feat. Patricia Carey
10. O Holy Night - Live from WPC in South Central Los Angeles
11. One Child
12. All I Want for Christmas is You - Extra Festive
13. Auld Lang Syne - The New Year’s Anthem
Celine Dion In Hospital For Twins' Birth
Celine Dion has been admitted to a hospital in West Palm Beach , Florida to prevent the early delivery of her twin boys.
Here’s what the PR department of the hospital said: “Ms. Celine Dion has been admitted to St. Mary’ s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Florida for observation at the recommendation of her doctors. She has been admitted to prevent the early delivery of her babies which is a fairly common clinical practice for mothers of twins. This is done to ensure the patient can be in close contact with their doctors and clinical resources, leading up to their birth.
“Celine and Rene have placed the health of their babies as their highest priority. Recently, rumors have circulated that Ms. Dion has made certain demands of St. Mary’ s Medical Center regarding the birth of her children. All of these rumors are false. At no time did Ms. Dion or her husband make any special demands or requests of the hospital. She is not scheduled at any predetermined date for her delivery. She has not requested or selected any particular staff or accommodations not available to other patients. The patient is being treated as any other OB patient who comes to St. Mary’ s Medical Center . Although the family did not ask us to do so, the hospital has chosen to enhance our security efforts during this time for the convenience and safety of all our patients and their families within this same area of our facility.
“We look forward to the day of Ms. Dion’s delivery of her twins. During this time, we ask the public and the media respect the privacy of all of our patients and their families at our hospital.”
Celine, 42, and her husband, Rene Angelil, 68, have a 9-year-old son, Rene Charles.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
World exclusive look at Cheryl Cole's new book - only in HELLO!
It's been a rollercoaster year for Cheryl Cole.
From her success as a solo artist to the heartbreak of her divorce, the 27-year-old has much to reflect on after an incredible 12 months in the spotlight.
When it comes to memories, Cheryl favours photographs – personal and candid shots she can look at to remember important moments in her life.
While images like these would normally kept close to her heart, Cheryl is presenting many of them in her new book, Through My Eyes. And HELLO! has the world exclusive.
This week's magazine, issue number 1142, features beautiful never-before-seen pics of Cheryl, along with written extracts that offer a unique behind-the-scenes look at the life of one of Britain 's most famous faces.
Included in this very special 22-page report are photos of the star enjoying a day off in Milan while on tour, flying to Dublin with her mum, dancing with Derek and doing calendar photo shoots, all accompanied by Cheryl's own words.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
And more on Aguilera`s divorce - it`s official
The 29-year-old singer confirmed the split on Tuesday (October 12), saying that she and Jordan had separated but that their commitment to their son, Max, would remain strong. Christina listed the date of separation as September 11, 2010 , according to TMZ. There is a prenup - the petition asks that Christina’s earnings before, during and after marriage be considered separate property.
Christina is seeking joint custody of Max and is asking that Jordan not be granted child support.
Chris Pine heats up the pages of Details magazine’s November 2010 issue!
The 30-year-old actor channeled his inner James Dean in a shoot with photographer Matthias Vriens-McGrath. Chris modeled clothing by Prada, D&G, Bottega Veneta and What Goes Around Comes Around in the photo spread! Chris has been up in Vancouver filming his latest project, This Means War, with Reese Witherspoon! Tom Hardy and Chelsea Handler also star.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Christina Aguilera Splits From Jordan Bratman
Christina Aguilera Speaks Out on Split from Husband Jordan Bratman
Christina Aguilera and music executive husband Jordan Bratman have split. The pop star has now released a statement.
“Although Jordan and I are separated, our commitment to our son Max remains as strong as ever.”
The separation does not necessarily mean divorce. It’s been “rocky for a bit” and “they’ve been separated for some time,” the source informs us. The couple married in 2005. Aguilera recently pulled out of a Shape magazine photo shoot, possibly because she didn’t want to discuss her private life.
Christina Aguilera and music exec Jordan Bratman have been separated for a few months, according to reports. “They were very much in love,” an insider tells Us Weekly. “But over the last six months, it became clear they were more like friends than husband and wife… [Christina even] proposed their August trip to Italy to rekindle their relationship, but it didn’t help.
Adds the insider, “[Their 2-year-old son Max] is their main concern… Christina is doing her best to be a great mom. She has a lot to juggle, but she’s learning how to make it work and balance it all.”
Christina, 29, and Jordan, 33, met in 2002 and wed in 2005.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Gossip Dance
Mad Men star Elisabeth Moss has filed for divorce
The actress split from funnyman Fred Armisen after just seven months of marriage in May. She filed for divorce on Monday amid reports he had already moved on and is now dating his Saturday Night Live co-star Abby Elliott. The couple wed in October after a whirlwind romance.
Roberts Receives Top Acting Award
Julia Roberts has been honoured with a Lifetime Achievement award at a film festival in Spain . The Erin Brockovich star was the guest of honour at the San Sebastian International Film Festival, where her Eat Pray Love co-star Javier Barden presented her with the Donostia Award on Monday evening. The 42-year-old Oscar winner told the audience she was overwhelmed to receive the prize.
She said, "What a fortunate woman I've been in my life for a variety of reasons. If we were having dinner, I'd tell you all of them. But now, I'll just say thank you from the bottom of my heart. And thank you to San Sebastian , which is the most enthusiastic town."
Previous recipients of the prestigious award include Sir Ian McKellen, Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep and Roberts' Pretty Woman co-star Richard Gere.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
NIcole Kidman has got an official website
Letter From Nicole
Thank you for visiting to my new site! I am very excited about the opportunity to share an important part of my life with you — my role as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNIFEM, the United Nations Development Fund for Women, and my personal commitment to ending violence against women, eliminating gender inequality, and empowering women around the world.
As a Goodwill Ambassador and the international spokesperson for UNIFEM’s Say NO – UNiTE To End Violence against Women initiative, I have seen first-hand the horrible impact of war on women in Kosovo, testified before the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, and worked to create a wide-spread understanding of these concerns throughout the media. My experiences so far have been enlightening and rewarding, but there is so much more I can and want to do.
I am not a technophile by any means, and all of this is very new (and a little scary) to me. However, I recognize that the Internet has the power to reach people worldwide and the importance of this cause has motivated me to reach out to fans, like you, to ask for your help.
Today, I ask you to join me in helping women worldwide who have suffered unthinkable violence. Please sign up and pledge to take action by filling out the form on this site. It only takes a moment. We’ll be posting other ways in which you can help, here and on my Facebook page and MySpace profile. Please connect with me on these sites so that you’ll always be the first to know. Women around the world need our help, and together, we can make a difference in countless lives.
Check it here
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