Monday, November 29, 2010

Невена Цонева с нов убийствен сайт и прекрасна песен

Късмет, Невена!

Невена Цонева представя нова песен след година и половина мълчание. "Бяла зима" се казва сингълът, който е първият продукт на "СЕВЪНТИЙН" - музикалната компания, която победителката от първия "Music Idol" основа едва преди 3 месеца. /Повече информация може да получите в сайта на компанията ЛИНК/

Тексът на "Бяла зима" е написан от Невена, аранжиментът е на Венелин Венков, а музиката е албанска. Има етно звучене и е подготвяна повече от половин година заради сложния аранжимент и звукозапис, в които участват симфоничен оркестър и много други живи инструменти.

Най-после нова песен от Невена и както чувам чакането си е заслужавало. Много хубава песен .Невена наистина трябва да се занимава с това,което най-много умее- да пее. Невероятен глас има. Много музикантска песен, настръхвам като я слушам. А това е знак, че песента е страхотна и заслужава внимание.Интересно ми е ако се сложи някой ден в хит на седмицата като предложение дали ще се забележи от повече хора. Може да пробвате. Любопитно ми е дали хората ще забележат песен с подобно звучене. Поздравявам Невена за невероятната песен и нека да продължава все напред и нагоре,защото е много талантлива:)))))
Фани Георгиева 

Невена: Най-логичното нещо беше да основа собствена компания

1. Как се роди идеята да основеш собствена музикална компания, разкажи ни повече за нея?

Тъй като кариерата ми не се развиваше така, както исках, докато зависех от бившите си продуценти, естественият ход на нещата беше аз сама да отговарям за нея, т.е. да вземам самостоятелни решения и да отговарям за тях. Най-логичното нещо беше да основа собствена музикална компания, която да защитава правата ми на изпълнител и автор.

Лейбълът вече има сайт -, който ще съдържа песни, текстове, снимки и новини, свързани с мен и СЕВЪНТИЙН.

2. Не си ли твърде млада за това и кой ти помага в новото начинание?

Когато човек знае какво иска да постигне в живота си, възрастта няма значение. Зад гърба ми стои сериозен екип от опитни композитори, аранжори и тонрежисьори, с които подготвям следващите си песни, някои, от които, скоро ще чуете.

3. От къде идва името на лейбъла?

Компанията се казва”СЕВЪНТИЙН”, а идеята за името дойде от рождената ми дата –  17-ти, освен това е моето любимо число.

4. Какви изпълнители смяташ да продуцираш и имаш ли вече някого предвид?

Според мен има много талантливи млади хора, на които трябва да се дава шанс да работят с добри професионалисти и да имат възможността да реализират мечтите си. Като за начало ще започна със себе си, а по-нататък – времето ще покаже...

5. Смяташ ли да промениш имиджа си?

Да! Смятам да изглеждам естествена на външен вид, а по-дълбоката промяна ще бъде в музиката, която ще правя, т.е., песните ще бъдат разбираеми и близо до хората, до тяхната душевност, до техния живот!

Ето такъв имидж съм искала да имам винаги!

6. Каква музика ще правиш от тук нататък?

Ще правя музика, която ми харесва и, която се надявам да се харесва на хората. Няма да правя компромис, тъй като, за да достигнат до сърцата на хората, песните първо трябва да са докоснали моето сърце.

7. Мислила ли си за реализация зад граница?

Това е сериозен казус. Всеки изпълнител желае да има успех извън страната, където е популярен. Ще правя музика, разбираема за българите и ако някоя от песните има шанс да се реализира извън България, ще бъда много щастлива.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Къванч Татлъту се завръща в сериалa "Забраненият плод" от 1 декември по bTV

Без хитовия сериал "Листопад" през декември. Но не се притеснявайте, от първи декември bTV започва да излъчва друг, също така успешен турски сериал - "Забраненият плод".

Всяка вечер, когато се излъчва "Листопад", всички от това семейство са пред телевизора!

"Така съм си подредила нещата, че не съм изпуснала серия и няма да изпусна. Много ми въздейства. Най-много ми харесва, че играят живия живот. Все едно, че съм там и гледам отстрани”, разказва Яна Бояджиева.

Красимир Бояджиев също гледа сериала: "Тия хора, едни такива, поне в началото филма беше по-спокоен, нямаха толкова проблеми, не беше станал толкова драматичен. И стоят около тая маса, която е така една символична, като стожер на домашното огнище и семейството и така взе да ми действа някак успокояващо”.

Освен, че преживяват всяка драма на героите, семейството ни разказва, че филмът ги е върнал към онези отдавна позабравени патрирахални отношения.

След 248 епизода, "Листопад" ще отстъпи място на най-гледания турски сериал - "Забраненият плод". С него в родния ефир се завръща един любим на българските зрители актьор - Къванч Татлъту! Главната женска роля е поверена на друга, не по-малко харизматична турска звезда - Берен Саат.

"Забраненият плод" е разказ за изпепеляващата любов на Бехлюл и Бихтер. Двама млади, които трябва да се изправят срещу семейството си и ценностите, в които са възпитавани, за да защитят правото си на обич.  „Забраненият плод", от 1 декември, от 20:00 часа по bTV.

Динамичният сюжет, модерната визия и успешният подбор на актьорите нареждат поредицата сред най-гледаните програми в държавите, в които се излъчва. Звездата от «Перла» и «Двама завинаги» и любимец на българските зрителки Къванч Татлъту се завръща в ефира в тази съвременна история за невъзможната любов и раздялата.

От 1 декември в 20 часа зрителите на bTV могат да проследят един от най-дългоочакваните сериали в България - "Забраненият плод" (Ask-I Memnu/Forbidden Love). Динамичният сюжет, модерната визия и успешният подбор на актьорите нареждат поредицата сред най-гледаните програми в държавите, в които се излъчва. Звездата от "Перла" и "Двама завинаги" и любимец на българските зрителки Къванч Татлъту се завръща в ефира в тази съвременна история за невъзможната любов и раздялата.

Изпепеляващата любов на Бехлюл (Къванч Татлъту) и Бихтер (Берен Саат) е на път да разруши вековни семейни традиции. Бихтер е красива млада жена, която се опитва да преодолее загубата на баща си, като отстоява ценностите си. Тя е изправена пред безскрупулната си майка в условията на едно рухнало семейство. Чувството, че остава неразбрана от най-близките си може би е на път да бъде преодоляно, когато среща Аднан Зиягил (Селчук Йонтем), в когото припознава сродна душа. Аднан е от буржоазно семейство, богат вдовец с две деца - тийнейджърката Нихал и малкия Бюлент. Бихтер свързва живота си с него, въпреки несъгласието на майка си и въпреки голямата разлика във възрастта. Тя чувства, че най-после е намерила спокойствие и разбиране..., докато животът не й поднася драматичен обрат.

Точно когато мисли, че е намерила покой, Бихтер среща Бехлюл – племенник на Аднан. Любовта между двамата млади пламва веднага. Ще бъдат ли достатъчно силни, за да отстояват любовта си? Ще се откажат ли от уредения си живот? Ще преосмислят ли ценностите си? Как една любов може да преобърне живота на цели семейства? Отговорите зрителите ще научат от хитовия сериал "Забраненият плод", от 1 декември, от 20:00 часа по bTV. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Весела Тотева с нова спортна колекция

Красивата Весела Тотева, която тази година постигна зашеметяващ успех, лансирайки модната линия Vincit съвместно със съдружничката си Диляна, продължава с интересните си търсения в областта на модата и преди празниците.

Есенно-зимната колекция на марката е доста разнообразна и откъм материи, и от към цветове. Освен типичните за този сезон цветове като задължителното черно, сиво и кафяво, в новите предложения на Vincit присъстват екрю, рибена кост, светъл беж. Особено атрактивни са комбинациите на качествените платове с кожа и дантела, които придават оригиналност и са особено актуални през този сезон. Кожата с косъм също присъства в някои от облеклата.

Двете дами решиха се впуснат в съвсем нов моден експеримент – лансирането на собствена линия от спортни облекла: дънки, пуловери и якета. „За дънките работим с млад моделиер и мисля, че ще направим нещо наистина интересно.  За момента пускаме 3 експериментални модела - два скини модела и един по-широк, които стоят невероятно секси и визуално издължават фигурата” – казват Весела и Диляна.

Весела Тотева направи и свежа фотосесия с новите предложения на марката преди празниците.
С всяка покупка от бутика, клиентите на Vincit ще имат възможността да се сдобият с уникално бижу – кръстче от Божи гроб, „носещо мириса на маслиново дърво, с което е известен старият град”, който Весела и Диляна посетиха заедно наскоро. Двете дами толкова обичат да пътуват, че решиха да направят своеобразно „интернет-риалити” – блог, в който разказват посредством красиви фотоси за пътешествията си, за ежедневието си, тоалетите, които обличат... Двете дами споделят: „Така правим хората съпричастни към нашето ежедневие и им показваме нови места, които може би биха искали да видят! Приемаме всяка една критика, стараем се да си вадим поуки от всичко казано – и положително, и отрицателно”.

Първите постинги в блога разказват именно за посещението им на Йерусалим. „Божи гроб е мястото където всеки вярващ християнин иска да посети, затова заведох Диляна там. Атмосферата е доста автентична и истинска и ни предразположи да се потопим в нея и да направим съпричастни клиентите на Vincit. С Диляна много обичаме да пътуваме.  Ходили сме на много места заедно - в Дубай, Италия, Лондон и др. Навсякъде, където ходим обаче, следим модните тенденции и когато видим интересни нови неща, започваме мислим как бихме могли да приложим това в България” – признава Весела Тотева.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mouline Rouge on Blue Ray

MOULIN ROUGE Blue-ray Review

The frenetic, color-infused world of Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge has now descended upon the Blu-ray shelves, where Nicole Kidman’s Satine and Ewan McGregor’s Christian find impossible love in courtesan-filled streets  of late nineteenth century Paris. Though it’s the sort of film that demands to be seen on Blu-ray, this is a release just as pleasing for its cohesive extras as it is for the color-amped proceedings that unravel throughout the film.  More after the jump:

Attempting to reinvent the musical genre, Moulin Rouge finds a would-be writer leaving his bourgeois father to live a life of art and creation in Paris’ Montmartre underworld. After falling in with a pair of bohemians led by artist Toulouse-Lautrec (John Leguizamo), Christian finds himself at the Moulin Rouge and quickly falling for lead courtesan, Satine.

But Satine has mistaken him for the Duke (Richard Roxburgh), a wealthy man she hopes will pull her out of poverty and make her a real actress. The Duke comes upon the star-crossed lovers and to cover the case of mistaken identity, they claim that they are rehearsing for a new play. Christian quickly uses the scenario as the inspiration for this fake play – about a lovely woman who falls for a penniless sitar player instead of a powerful maharaja.

Fueled with pop music ranging from Dolly Parton’s “I Will Always Love You” and Elton John’s “Your Song” to Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and Lamb’s “Gorecki,” Satine and Christian try to hide their love as she attempts to woo the Duke. But in a world of corsets and high physical stress, the manic comedy is mixed with tragedy – Satine is cursed with consumption and grows ever weaker.

When the film first hit DVD, it was an overflowing, 2-disc offering chock full of special features. On Blu-ray, the film is even more impressive. The video and audio transfers are very close to perfect, which is what we’d both hope and expect from such a visually and aurally intensive film, but there is just as much magic in the perks alongside the feature.

Unlike many Blu-ray upgrades that simply toss the old extras onto the new disc and exclaim “so be it,” Luhrmann’s team does what they can to make the release worthy to the fans in every which way, going so far as to improve on old features to employ the latest Blu-ray rechnology.

The gem of the bunch is “Spectacular Spectacular,” a picture-in-picture commentary. Though the viewer is free to watch all the extras on their own at their leisure, there’s also the choice to watch many of them as jumping points within the film, as a commentary plays over the proceedings. Though many pop-up video-reminiscent extras kill the enjoyment of the feature, this one adds a nice sense of the process to the film. While the scenes play, the viewer is treated to picture-in-picture clips of rehearsals and set design, brief trivia, the commentary discussion,  and even jump-off points where the viewer can see additional features.

The high-def features – there’s no suffering through terribly crappy and old features that take you out of the high-definition frame of mind – cover almost everything the viewer could want to see. There’s discussion of Baz, his collaborators and the House of Iona where he and his team create their films. There’s the typical making-of clips and interviews with the stars and behind-the-scenes talents. There’s even additional footage from the Bazmark Vault that includes an early cut scene of Ewan McGregor singing “Father and Son.” The only misstep that could’ve helped this extensive array is a look into the real Moulin Rouge, to reveal to fans the real place, the real people like Toulouse-Lautrec, and how they were adapted into Luhrmann’s vision.

But that is a mere nitpick to a really solid disc that offers an increasingly visually beautiful experience to a musical classic.

Eva Longoria Files for Divorce from Tony Parker

Three years after a storybook wedding in a European castle, Eva Longoria filed for divorce Wednesday from basketball star Tony Parker. The Desperate Housewives star's documents were filed in Los Angeles Superior Court just one day after her rep denied that Parker had done the same in a Texas court.
The petition cites only the standard "irreconcilable differences" for the split. But this past week the couple have been rocked with infidelity rumors, with claims that Tony has been unfaithful.

Tony Parker has broken his silence about his split from wife Eva Longoria.

The 28-year-old San Antonio Spurs player told People, “Eva and I have been discussing our situation privately,” adding, “I was aware that she would be filing for divorce in Los Angeles.”
And despite previous reports that he had filed for divorce before Eva had, “I did not file for divorce in Texas and did not hire divorce attorneys in either Texas or California,” Tony said. “We plan to continue to keep our discussions of this matter private.”

The Collider
People Magazine 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hollywood Bites

After the news for the Prince and his fair lady engagement let us post some Hollywood news. We don`t doubt the wedding of Miss Middleton and Prince William will be very glamorous and stylish. Congratulations to the happy couple!

Pregnant Kerr Selling New York Home

ORLANDO BLOOM's pregnant wife MIRANDA KERR is throwing herself into family life by selling off her New York apartment.

The Pirates of the Caribbean hunk wed the Australian supermodel in July (10) and just weeks later, the stars announced they are expecting their first baby together. The newlyweds spend most of their time residing at Bloom's Los Angeles property, although both own homes in New York - but the Victoria's Secret beauty is selling her trendy one-bedroom apartment in the city, according to Britain's Daily Mail.

Kerr has put the Manhattan property, which was designed by Jade Jagger, on the market for $1.4 million (£930,000).  The model recently revealed her dream home, saying, "My goal involves a hammock, a vegetable patch, and a solar-powered house. And I hope to eventually get there."

Cam Gigandet & AnnaLynne McCord: Burlesque Premiere!

Cam Gigandet suits up in Calvin Klein Collection for the premiere of his new movie, Burlesque, on Monday (November 15) at Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Los Angeles.

The 28-year-old actor hit the red carpet with co-stars Christina Aguilera and Cher!

Also at the premiere and pictured inside was 90210 actress AnnaLynne McCord, who paired a strapless mini-dress with black Louboutin heels!

Just Jared 
Contact Music 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Prince William and Kate Middleton are engaged and will wed in 2011

After a courtship lasting eight years, Prince William has proposed to his sweetheart Kate Middleton.
"The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton"
These words, which appeared on the British Monarchy's official Twitter page on Tuesday, confirmed the happy news that the future king is due to wed. A full statement from Clarence House said the highly-anticipated nuptials will take place next year.
"The wedding will take place in the spring or summer of 2011, in London. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course," read the statement.
The announcement also gave details of William's romantic proposal, which took place "in October during a private holiday in Kenya".
It continued: "Prince William has informed The Queen and other close members of his family. Prince William has also sought the permission of Miss Middleton’s father.
"Following the marriage, the couple will live in north Wales, where Prince William will continue to serve with the Royal Air Force."

The couple have been dating since meeting at St Andrews University. They separated briefly in 2007, but have been together ever since.

Hello Magazine 

An appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales

I got a lot of funny looks ten years ago when I started talking to people about Wikipedia.
Let’s just say some people were skeptical of the notion that volunteers from all across the world could come together to create a remarkable pool of human knowledge – all for the simple purpose of sharing.
No ads. No agenda. No strings attached.

A decade after its founding, nearly 400 million people use Wikipedia and its sister sites every month - almost a third of the Internet-connected world.
It is the 5th most popular website in the world - but Wikipedia isn’t anything like a commercial website. It is a community creation, written by volunteers making one entry at a time. You are part of our community. And I’m writing today to ask you to protect and sustain Wikipedia.
Together, we can keep it free of charge and free of advertising. We can keep it open – you can use the information in Wikipedia any way you want. We can keep it growing – spreading knowledge everywhere, and inviting participation from everyone.
Each year at this time, we reach out to ask you and others all across the Wikimedia community to help sustain our joint enterprise with a modest donation of $20, $35, $50 or more.
If you value Wikipedia as a source of information – and a source of inspiration – I hope you’ll choose to act right now.

All the best,
Jimmy Wales

Founder, Wikipedia
P.S. Wikipedia is about the power of people like us to do extraordinary things. People like us write Wikipedia, one word at a time. People like us fund it, one donation at a time. It's proof of our collective potential to change the world.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lizzy Pattinson Is Our Cellardoor Girl

Dimly lit and shrouded in a floaty maxi dress, a female silhouette can be made oout and a husky, smooth voice fills the room. The first notes sung in the music room of this West London pub immediately transform it, giving the feeling 0f 1950`s jazz bar. The lights brighten and there stands the London – based singer – songwriter Lizzy Pattinson.
The room is packed, with both fans and first – time listeners and neither are disappointed. Her performance with her band includes songs, written with her brother, actor Robert Pattinson, as well as Star`s Sailor James Walsh. It proves impossible to pigeon – hole her music into one genre, and you wouldn`t want to. She isn`t afraid to explore different avenues styles and use all of her voice, and her work is honest and evocative.
She is carving out a name for herself with her folky, soulful style and is well on her way to taking her place in the music industry. She is definitely a cellardoor girl. We caught up with her to see what she is currently working on.

Where do you draw inspiration for your work from?
Everything and everywhere. I guess the tricky part is turning what you feel into a song that others might enjoy, too.
What made you want to be a singer/ songwriter?
I started dinging age 15. we had a class concert at school and everyone had to take a part; for some reason I decided I wanted to sing, having never done it before. My parents were really worried for me as I was painfully shy, but I felt compelled to do it. Writing was something that came later; I am still working on that skill.
Who, dead or alive, you would most want to work with?
I`d like to have sung a duet with Roy Orbison.
Is there a song or album that has been really important to you growing up and why?
I used to listen to my mum and Dad`s records. Tracy Chapman was a favourite. I appreciate the lyrics more as an adult. I also remember being in a restaurant when I was younger and there was a kids disco downstairs; they only had one record and played it over and over again. It was ‘what have I done to decerve this’ by the Petshop boys and Dusty Springfield, I was in a total pop trance and still love that song today.
If you weren`t a singer/ songwriter what would you being doing?
I really enjoy what I do and I can`t imagine doing anything else. I used to work in a library … perhaps i`d still be there.
Where is your favourite place to perform?
It`s been great playing intimate acoustic gigs in London recently. The Bedford and the Regal room are lovely acoustic venues.
You performed at Isle of White festival this year – how was that?
It was really fun, we played the acoustic stage and managed to catch performances from few of the main acts, too, Blondie was a highlight for me.
What was it like to work with the UK dance act, Aurora?
It was a great experience. I was 18 and I had just done my A – levels. It was like a crash course in the music industry. I`m grateful I had that little bit of luck early on as it made me feel that it was possible to have a carrier in music as opposed to it just being a pipedream in my head. It is still a roller coaster ride.
You wrote a song for Twilight, what was it like hearing your song in a film?
It wasn`t a song as such, I sang ambient background vocals on the film score. My vocals are probably most prominent on the piece ‘Who are they’ at the moment where Edward Cullen first appears in the Cafeteria scene. I recorded the vocals with Carter Burwell and Catherine Hardwick at Hans Zimmer`s studio in LA and at Air Studios in London. They were both such amazing people to work with and it was fascinating to see and hear how much the music affects the mood of the scene. I feel honoured to have been a part of the film, albeit a very small part. It was such a fun.
What`s been the proudest moment of your career so far?
The first moment I heard one of my songs on radio I felt great.
How would your friends describe you?
I just text one of my friends. They say enigmatic, nuts and thoughtful.
Who are your favourite heroines/ heroes of fiction?
Pippi Longstocking. I`ve always wanted to clean the kitchen – floor with hand – brushes made as roller – skates.
How would you describe your fashion style?
The feel of clothes is more important to me than anything, I like being comfortable. On stage I am more flamboyant, I find myself drawn to the cut of 1940 with a definite waist and a sharp silhouette, and recently I`ve gotten into 1970 maxi dresses and biba style platforms.
Who are your style icons?
Marilyn Monroe for her natural charisma and glamour, I loved her casual style in Pucci dresses and print blouses. Rachel Reed for her psychedelic individuality and Jennifer Connelly for her mysterious elegance.
Do you have any favourite places to shop?
I generally come across things by accident whilst on the way to somewhere else, like the one – off boutiques or charity shops; I like clothes with history.
You grew up in London, what is it you love most about the city?
I think the cultural diversity here creates a really exciting atmosphere. You can`t fail to be impressed by the amazing architecture alongside Thames in the centre of the town.
So what can we expect next from Lizziy Pattinson?
Songwriting for the rest of the year and showcasing new songs at gigs in London. I`ve also been collaborating with really varied artists and bands. I recently recorded a dut with Brian Molko from Placebo, called ‘Inseparable’ and duet with British band Beatbullyz called ‘Heartbeat’, which will be on their album, released September 19th.
And, lastly, as this is Cellardoor Autumn issue, what is your favourite thing about autumn?
I love autumn in London. You see amazing colours in the parks; greens, purples and golds. It`s still sunny with blue skies, but you can feel winter on its way. I like that we have quite defined seasons, it appeals to my sense of drama.

Do not repost. Thank you! 
Cellardoor magazine 
Picture - Facebook - Laura Wanzelow 

First Look at Catherine Hardwicke’s RED RIDING HOOD Starring Amanda Seyfried 

Classic reimaginings are a hot property these days. There are two different live-action films in pre-production covering Snow White, and another covering Cinderella, but before those steal headlines down the road there is Catherine Hardwicke’s Red Riding Hood. The film is already shooting and stars Amanda Seyfried as the innocent girl just wanting to visit grandma. We reported in July about behind-the-scenes pictures showing off Seyfried, co-star Gary Oldman, and many more dressed in period attire. Now we have the first glimpse of the film in the proper context, i.e. not walking through a concrete parking lot, so hit the jump to check them out along with more updates on the film.

Hardwicke is best known for kicking off the Twilight craze by helming the first film in the series, but now she is focusing on true werewolves. She will be working off a script by Orphan writer David Leslie Johnson, which has gathered Seyfried, Oldman, Virginia Madsen, Lukas Haas, Darren Shahlavi, Shiloh Fernandez, and Julie Christie. Thanks to EW (via Shock Til You Drop), we have our first grainy glimpse at Seyfried in complete Red Riding Hood garb below and a nice update on the story that apparently includes demons.

The piece reads:

“Amanda Seyfried dons the cape for Red Riding Hood. In a dark retelling of the famous children’s tale (out March 11, 2011), Seyfried stars as Valerie, a village girl torn between two loves (including Peter, left, played by Jericho’s Shiloh Fernandez). “I’ve never seen her like this in a role before,” raves director Catherine Hardwicke (Twilight). “She’s super sexy, wild. And those big eyes of hers are totally out of a fairy tale.” The threat of demons and werewolves further complications the love triangle, along with a priest (Gary Oldman) obsessed with ridding his village of evil, and townspeople hiding their own secrets and lies. “There’s a strong whodunit through the whole thing,” says Hardwicke. “So it’s got the weird, interesting parts of Grimm’s fairy tale and then so much more.”

I have to say that while I dislike the entire Twilight craze, this film is intriguing. Hardwicke didn’t write the books that inspired that series, so I can forgive her for directing the first film. If nothing else, Red Riding Hood certainly has a nice cast. 

The Collider

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Дилма Русеф е новият президент на Бразилия

Кандидатът от български произход ще стъпи в длъжност на 1 януари

Дилма Русеф спечели изборите за президент на Бразилия на проведения вчера балотаж. С 56% от гласовете кандидатът от български произход изпревари конкурента си Жозе Сера, показват резултатите от преброяването на над 99% от бюлетините. Новият президент ще стъпи в длъжност на 1 януари 2011 г.

По време на кампанията Русеф получи силна подкрепа от предшественика си Луис Игнасио Лула да Силва, който се радваше на над 80% одобрение от избирателите. Законът обаче не му позволява да се кандидатира за трети пореден мандат. Съществуват спекулации, че на следващите избори през 2014 г. името му отново ще присъства в бюлетините.

Bieber Promotes His Book, Talks Music, God, Hair

Justin Bieber might be the modern king of all media 

The teen heartthrob has the Web wired — he's a YouTube discovery with almost 6 million followers on Twitter. He makes hit music, with an album and concert tour in the nation's top 20 and a new album on the way in a few weeks. He's got a movie coming out early next year, and on Sunday, he drew enough fans to temporarily shut down a Barnes & Noble bookstore where he promoted his autobiography, "First Step 2 Forever: My Story."

More than 1,000 teen and tween girls, a handful of boys, and their parents waited in a long line that snaked through the popular Grove shopping center for a chance to meet the shaggy-haired Canadian singer. All had secured wristbands days earlier when they bought Bieber's book, a photo-packed hardcover about his rise to fame that sells for $21.99.

The store closed its doors and blocked them with black curtains as fans streamed in to collect their signed books and pose for a photo with the 16-year-old star.

Before the fan-demonium began ("Oh my God, he touched my hair!" one girl said), Bieber talked about his book and his future ambitions.
The Associated Press: Your fans know your story, why tell them again in a book?

Bieber: I don't know if they know it completely. I've never gotten the chance to really tell them myself. I've told them in interviews and people have written articles, but it's not really from me. I was able to write all my thoughts down and basically tell them, basically, how I'm feeling, you know? Just different stuff like that.

AP: One revelation is your religion and faith. How do you reconcile that with the temptations of Hollywood?

Bieber: Hollywood is ... a scary place. There's a lot going on, there's a lot of bad things, but there's also a lot of good things. I'm able to live my dream, I'm able to do a lot of good things. Basically, I don't even consider religion. Like, I'm a Christian, I believe in God, I believe that Jesus died on a cross for my sins. I believe that I have a relationship and I'm able to talk to him and really, he's the reason I'm here, so I definitely have to remember that. As soon as I start forgetting, I've got to click back and be like, you know, this is why I'm here.

AP: You've accomplished a lot already. Where do you see things going for you?

Bieber: I see myself being like, 30, like, married, like, probably. I don't know. It seems far away for me. But I want to be a young dad. I don't want to be old and not be able to kick around the soccer ball, you know? ... I see myself making a smooth transition from being a teenage, um, you know, teenage heartthrob basically to, you know, to an adult singer. I want to make that smooth transition, kind of like Usher or Justin Timberlake did it.

AP: And keep music your focus?

Bieber: Exactly. People are always like, 'So, your hair is your trademark' and stuff. I'm like, no. My voice is my trademark, you know?